Çerez Örnek

Seçil Saraçlı Anısına

Assist. Prof. Dr. Seçil SARAÇLI (1968-2011)


Dr. Saraçlı graduated from Department of English Language and Literature, Ege University. She received her M.A. degree in English and American Studies from University of East Anglia and her Ph.D. degree in American Studies from Ege University. She worked on the organizing committee for the Cultural Studies Symposiums since 1996 and was co-editor of the journal Interactions. She taught History of American Literature, American Intellectual History and Criticism, American Popular Culture and Mythology, and she wrote about American film, literature and popular culture. We who knew Seçil Hoca will miss the generous spirit that she brought to all of these endeavors, her sense of humor, and especially her warmth and caring.


Education, Degrees
-          Ege University, Ph.D., Department of American Culture and Literature, 1997.
-          University of East Anglia, M.A., Department of English and American Studies, 1994.
-          Ege University, M.A., Department of English Language and Literature 1993.
-          Ege University, B.A., Department of English Language and Literature 1993
Positions Held:
-         Asst. Prof., Department of American Culture and Literature, Ege University, 1999-
-          Lecturer, Department of American Culture and Literature, Ege University, 1995-1999
-          Research  Assistant, Department of American Culture and Literature, 1991 – 1994
- SAĞDUYU, (Common Sense) Thomas Paine (Translation), Ege University, Faculty of Letters Publications: 124, Izmir, (2004.
- The Other in American Captivity Narratives - Izmir, Ege University, Faculty of Letters Publications: 125, Izmir, 2004. (Turkish) (Amerikan Tutsaklık Anlatılarında ÖtekiKavramı 17. Y.Y.-19. Y.Y)
- The Beat Generation and the American Society - Ege University, 1993 – (MA dissertation).
- Poetics of the Beats - University of East Anglia, 1994 - (MA dissertation).
- A Social History of New York as Reflected in Three Novels: Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton, Manhattan Transfer by John Dos Passos and Breakfast at Tiffany’s by Truman Capote - Ege University, 1997 - (Ph.D. dissertation).
Selected Articles:
-          “A Story of a Native American and a Story Told by a Native American”, Sektion: Literatur als Schnittstelle der Kulturen – Seminar: The Unifying Aspects of Culture, INST, Vienna, 7-9. 11. 2003.
-          “Stories Told by Victorian Costumes: Portrait of a Lady, the Piano – Jane Campion, The Age of Innocence – Martin Scorsese”, Atatürk Üniversitesi, Sosyal BilimlerDergisi, Vol 3, Sayı: 31, 1-11, (2003).
-          “The Changing Image of the Western Hero: The Searchers (1956), Midnight Cowboy (1969),” INTERACTIONS, Ege Journal of English and American Studies, Volume: 12, Number 12, 61-73, spring, 2003.
-          “Psychology of Fear: A Comparative Study on Henry James’s The Turn of the Screw and its Film version The Innocents”, The Journal of American Culture And Literature Shadows that Stalk: Representations of Fear in American Culture and Literature, Hacettepe University Department of American Culture and Literature, Proceedings of the 20th Anniversary Conference, Ankara, 2002.
-          “The Others”, (Film Review), JAST Journal of American Studies of Turkey 13, 91-93, Spring, 2001. “1950 Sonrası Amerikan Romanında “Pikaro” Geleneği: Catcher in theRye, On the Road, Breakfast at Tiffany’s”, 1950 Sonrası Amerikan Romanı, Ege Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Yayınları: 110, 79-88, İzmir, (2000)
-          “News from Somewhere Else,” (with Pete Remington) INTERACTIONS, Ege Journal of English and American Studies, Volume: 12, Number 13, 47-63, Fall, (2003).
-          “This bitter power of song”: Hilda Doolittle, Grecian Masks and Poetic Creativity in Women,” JAST Journal of American Studies of Turkey, 9, 51-59, 1999.
-          “An Imitation of Melodrama” Aegean Journal of English and American Studies, Vol. 10, 27-41, Izmir, 1994.
-          “Sports in American Movies”, Popular Culture(s) Proceeding of the Third Cultural Studies Seminar, 217, Ege Universitesi, Izmir, 1998.
-          “Small-town in Hollywood Films” Aegean Journal of English and American Studies, Vol. XI, 125-135, İzmir, 1998.
Conference Papers:
-          Forrest Gump: New American Adam in Hollywood Films, 6th. International Popular Culture Conference, Downing College Cambridge, England, 5-11/09/1999.
Editorial Work:
Editor,  INTERACTIONS, Aegean Journal of English and American Studies
University of East Anglia, English and American Studies Department, Norwich, England, 1991-1993..
USIA Summer Institute on U.S. Society: “The American Experience” New School University Graduate Faculty of Political and Social Science, Transregional Center of Democratic Studies, New York, ABD, 18/05- 30/061999
Theses Supervised
M.A. Theses:
Çetin, Aycan, “1900-1940 Yılları Arasında Amerikan Resim Sanatı ile Amerikan Şiir Sanatının Şehirleşme Çerçevesinde Etkileşimi” Ege University, The Institute of Social Sciences , Izmir
Göç, Murat, “1990’larda Toplum, Birey ve Ölüm Kavramlarının Amerikan Popüler Kültüründe Yansımaları”. Ege University, The Institute of Social Sciences, Izmir.

Ege Üniversitesi