Çerez Örnek

Program Outcomes: 

  1. ability to develop the capacity to argue and internalize the concepts and ideas, facts and approaches, critical methods and comprehension that concern English and American culture and literature.


  1. abilty to comprehend the relationship among the various disciplines which are included in the American culture and literature (sociology, psychology, politics, history, art history, linguistics, literature, geography, philosophy and theology) in order to produce the academic researches in such a multidisciplinal frame.


  1. ability to obtain information about American socio-cultural structure (ethnic and regional discrepancy, intercultural interaction, pluralistic point of view, political structure, democratic development, domestic and foreign politics, and intellectual movements), economy and politics.


  1. ability to analyze different historical periods and compare them in the context of history, politics, culture, art, especially literature, and to deduce about their ideological structures.


  1. ability to raise awareness about the general Western culture and its history and this acquired knowledge should be applied comparatively to the Turkish culture and literature as well.


  1. ability to read literary, cultural and artistic works/texts (novel, poem, story, survey, movie, magazine, newspaper, commercial, play, picture, statue, music, architecture, folklore and sport) using cultural critical approaches and then analyze those cultural texts and all developing and changing statements that are related to them.


  1. ability to develop skills in analytical approach and critical opinion in terms of literary and cultural criticism.


  1. ability to communicate orally and in written way by using proper English and terminology competently as it is required by the field.


  1. ability to comprehend methodology and pedagogical approaches of education in English.


  1. ability to work, alone or with a group, on an academic research or a project and should acquire knowledge and skills while doing this.


  1. ability able to present orally or in written way academic researches, project reports, creative writing works all of which should be written according to the MLA rules.


  1. ability to use communication skills and technologies competently.


  1. ability for improvement in translation of any text, especially literary ones.


  1. ability to use acquired knowledge and skills with conscious of the professional and ethical responsibility.


  1. ability to transform the acquired knowledge, critical point of view and its flexibility that was learned from American culture and literature into other spheres and professional levels (teaching, lectureship, guidance, interpreting, international relations, and editorship)


  1. ability to acquire skills in using tools, appliances and materials (while learning and teaching) which should be chosen appropriately according to the context-material.



Ege Üniversitesi